Ringing in the Ears


Well-Known Member
After looking on google and a self-diagnosis, I think it's possible I have Tinnitus. I don't know what the specific cause is (the concerts I've been to? Jets taking off/landing/taxiing near me?) but ocassionally, without any visible stimulant, one of my ears will begin ringing, just about canceling out all other noise for about 3-6 seconds. I don't get vertigo from any of these "attacks", if you would call it that, which would leave me to believe that I dont have Meniere's Disease. I have a family member who does have Meniere's Disease (used to live with them) and is it possible that the disease is contagious and I caught it?

Is the Tinnitus, if that's what it is, anything to worry about? Should I tear up my medical now or just let it do it's thing when it happens and not worry about it?
First, get your ears checked to be sure they are not blocked with ear wax (cerumen).

There are other causes of tinnitus but look for the easy stuff first.
If it is significant, you should report it. It is not DQ unless there is significant hearing loss and/or a loss of speech discrimination.
I see Sean almost everyday and let me tell you the guy is practically legally deaf! Just bustn' your chops Rosie...Your fine, I get that from time to time too:panic:. By the way got 140 indicated from VNY to SMO in the 50'...I was on fire! Got there in nearly 8 minutes!
Should tinnitus be reported? Is it disqualifying?

I have a friend who experienced sudden hearing loss and ringing in his ear. The docs said they couldn't figure out what it was and gave him all sorts of treatments. He's been grounded since and is awaiting "experimental" treatment which will only address the hearing loss, but not the ringing. He said that the ringing is driving him crazy more so than the hearing loss because it is so loud.