Resume Workshop

Hi, this is Mrs. Bumblebee:

I don't post much, but here is the information I will need if you are interested in having me review your resume:

1. Submitting ahead of time would be great - I'll talk to Kristie about the best way to do that.

2. If you do not submit ahead of time, do have it on a flash drive.

3. To the person who offered to help, that would be great - maybe we could switch off, or you could sit at the booth for 1/2 hour or so.

4. If you plan to turn in your resume that day (based on the work we do), plan to have an extra copy to turn in in the event the computer crashes, printer does not work, etc. (i.e., don't rely on having your resume done that day, and have something go haywire).

5. We'll probably have a sign up sheet, with back ups for each slot, so if you're not there at the allotted time (each, 1/2 hour), your slot will go to whoever is "back up" for that slot.

That's all I have for now - details to follow. Post your questions; I'll try to answer as I can.

P.S. I don't do this for a living, and it is a "free" service, so set your expectations accordingly...
What is recommended to make our resumes stand out since we were told (in another thread) to not use sky blue paper?

In my industry we have started to see a picture of the applicant on the resume. Kinda like the old days when we would take Polaroids of the applicants to remember who was who.

Yes, I said Polaroids....
The picture on a resume is more for a CV style format they use in Europe.

I think if you got a nice, clean format that doesn't look like everyone elses' or some Internet template I think that definitely helps!

I've also experimented with watermark backgrounds on resumes, some of them turned out pretty nice.
Hi, this is Mrs. Bumblebee:

I don't post much, but here is the information I will need if you are interested in having me review your resume:

1. Submitting ahead of time would be great - I'll talk to Kristie about the best way to do that.

2. If you do not submit ahead of time, do have it on a flash drive.

3. To the person who offered to help, that would be great - maybe we could switch off, or you could sit at the booth for 1/2 hour or so.

4. If you plan to turn in your resume that day (based on the work we do), plan to have an extra copy to turn in in the event the computer crashes, printer does not work, etc. (i.e., don't rely on having your resume done that day, and have something go haywire).

5. We'll probably have a sign up sheet, with back ups for each slot, so if you're not there at the allotted time (each, 1/2 hour), your slot will go to whoever is "back up" for that slot.

That's all I have for now - details to follow. Post your questions; I'll try to answer as I can.

P.S. I don't do this for a living, and it is a "free" service, so set your expectations accordingly...

So how exactly would we submit it to you early? PM or email or something? I plane and getting mine looked over before heading out on the floor.
Can you fit this on your flash drive?


Update: I have had about 10 people send me their resumes via email. I will do my best to look at those and have responses back to those folks via email by Sunday night. If you have not already sent me your resume, please just see me at the booth at ACE on Monday, and we can go over your resume then. (I will not have time to look at any more resumes before then.) We will have 20 minute sign up "slots" at the booth, starting at 10am and running until 2pm. If other folks want to volunteer to help after 2pm, that's great, but I am committing to be there only 4 hours. As Kristie said, bring your resume on a flash drive so that we can pull it up on the computer. If you only have a hard copy, then we can review and make edits by hand. We will NOT have a printer, but you can take your revised resume and print it at the business center at the hotel.

See you at ACE!:)
Thank you for coming to the expo and providing this resume service. It was extremely helpful and many of us did benefit from your generous help.
