Restrictions on taking in-flight photos


Well-Known Member
After viewing numerous pictures everyone has taken on the road, specifically in flight, I was just curious as to what the rules were on taking photos while in-flight and serving as a required crew member. I love the pictures and I can't wait to take some of my own someday. Thanks in advance for any insight on this.

John Scheidler
I've never seen a rule on it. Is there a rule about reading the paper with the autopilot on?
I got the opportunity to fly a king air the other day, so I just had to bring my camera. Only problem is, it made the passengers a teensy bit nervous, so I had to cut it out. My captain found it a bit strange too I'm sure...
Not sure but I would think that for part 91 aslong as you are still able to do your job, its cool. For part 121 I would guess that above 10,000 there would be no restrictions. Just a guess though.
There are restrictions for part 135/121 ops, under the yadda yadda unnessasary junk yadda under 10k feet or during critical phase of flight (sorry I don't remember the reg very well

I don't think any if you are ploping your cessna along snapping shot. It doesn't mean it is a good idea to be grabbing snapshots on short final.
It doesn't mean it is a good idea to be grabbing snapshots on short final.

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Actually, that photo was taken from the right seat. As long as the guy in the left seat is the one making the landing (and s/he isn't a student!) then it is no problem!
Actually, that photo was taken from the right seat. As long as the guy in the left seat is the one making the landing (and s/he isn't a student!) then it is no problem!

[/ QUOTE ]

You're on the ball - it sure was!! Just seeing if anyone would catch that (or flame me...).
Haha, that's good stuff. Looks like you're cheating though, unless you were flyin' from the right seat yourself.

Heck, I have a video of my landing coming over the fence at something like 100-105 knots groundspeed with a pretty stiff tailwind. People always get freaked out, thinking I'm the one taking it. Sheesh.

EDIT: D'oh! One minute late.
. . .(and s/he isn't a student!) then it is no problem!

[/ QUOTE ]

[as I realize I haven't been watching the altimeter...] : "Oh, crap, take off your hood! Take off your hood!!!"
I don't think this is a good place to bring up the fact that on my long student solo x/c I trimmed up the airplane, hopped in the back and snapped a couple of pictures of the gauges.

Alas that was in my youth and those days are behind me now.