Rental @ SRQ or VNC?


Vocals, Lyrics, Triangle, Washboard, Kittens
The TPA pics thread has been sort of inspiring.

I'd like to take a weekend and head down to SRQ to see my pop and play a little golf and also - and this is important to me - I'd like to take him flying.

Does anyone have suggestions/recommendations for an FBO down there that will let me rent a 172 of some flavor?

Also - when dealing with a renter they don't know, are they going to require a checkout flight with one of their CFIs? Will having a renter's insurance policy help with that?

I mean, I want to take him flying, but if they're going to require 5 hours in the plane before I can take it out + CFI costs, it's not worth it.
Don't know of an FBO there, but if you do go up, you should fly into Whitted at St. Pete and eat lunch downtown. That's an awesome trip fo sure.
I'm glad my pics inspired you!

At SRQ you have Cirrus Aviation (Which is weird because they have no Cirrus's) that has a couple 172's for $124/hr or $144/hr for G1000

At VNC there is Blue Sky Aviation inside the Jet Center. They do not have a 172, only a 152 for $90/hr and a Cherokee for $118/hr

Either way, I believe any place you go will most likely want to have you do a checkout flight. I would be very surprised if they didn't.

I also agree with Murdoughnut, a trip to SPG and lunch downtown would be very nice. The weather down here has been great the last week or two, makes for awesome trips!
I'm glad my pics inspired you!

At SRQ you have Cirrus Aviation (Which is weird because they have no Cirrus's) that has a couple 172's for $124/hr or $144/hr for G1000

Wow. Are they nice 172s? SPs?

At VNC there is Blue Sky Aviation inside the Jet Center. They do not have a 172, only a 152 for $90/hr and a Cherokee for $118/hr

Hmm. Much as I'd like to, for just a weekend visit, it would take me a little too long, I think, to get checked out safely in a Cherokee. Never flown one before and I'd like to have more than a couple hours in it before I took a passenger with me.

Either way, I believe any place you go will most likely want to have you do a checkout flight. I would be very surprised if they didn't.

Yeah, I suppose so.

As far as a destination, I'm not sure yet. This is sort of only in my head at the moment - haven't talked to my Dad about it yet.
Last time I checked out to rent a/c from CAMS at PIE, the flight ended up being 1.6 hours and we covered everything, and I mean everything in the PTS. Over $217 later I was regretting it. Said it was something to do with insurance requirements.

A month or two before that I had checked out at a rural field in Phillipsburg, OH - did a few turns, a few stalls, showed the guy I could fly, and was back in 0.7
Well, we'd launch from SRQ or VNC - both are reasonably close to his place. Actually, there's a private-use grass strip right by his house, but I know no aircraft are based there.

Guess I'll call down to Cirrus and find out what their expectation of a checkout is.