Well-Known Member
I have a student that went from flying once a week to once a month and eventually not at all, so I cornered him, asked him to come to the airport diner and eat breakfast with me. At breakfast I learned that flying had become more frustration than it was worth for him he said "why would I keep spending all this $ when its all work and no fun" I got him to commit to one more flight where I told him I would not charge him dual, we would not do any lessons and I would split the plane rental with him. The following Sat we met up, I had him fly me to a nearby airport that i knew was having a fly in breakfast, something he never experienced before. He was very excited meeting pilots, seeing different planes and talking with a couple students. It totally renewed his interest in flying showing him light at the end of the tunnel so to speak and he has been flying every week since then and will be taking his check ride next week.
It's hard for us CFIs to keep students motivated and on task, but at the same that's our job. This is just a way that helped get a student out of the dumps, and I thought I would share.
What are some things that work for you?
It's hard for us CFIs to keep students motivated and on task, but at the same that's our job. This is just a way that helped get a student out of the dumps, and I thought I would share.
What are some things that work for you?