Remove before flight - copyrighted?


F2TH C56X C500
I see a plethora of these keychains/shirts/nightgowns/panties/whatever all over the internet.

Does anyone own the copyright? Just curious.
usually any good idea I have has already been thought of by others.
ie: mailbox door lock,
'we support our troops' on US mfg. packaging,
currently considering a company for local verification of items listed on eBay,...
usually any good idea I have has already been thought of by others.
ie: mailbox door lock,
'we support our troops' on US mfg. packaging,
currently considering a company for local verification of items listed on eBay,...

You're just mad that you didn't think of the "slap chop" first! :)

When I saw that pot with holes in the lid (for draining stuff) a few years back, I was super mad at myself since I had thought of that very idea YEARS before. Oh well...thus is life, huh?
Slogans aren't protected by copyrights. But they might qualify as a trademark.

According to the US Patent and Trademark Office, there were two.

At one time "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" was a registerd trademark of some guy from Hawaii who was using it in the 1990s for golf clubs. The registration expired when it wasn't updated the way the trademark law requires.

There is a current registration for "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" by Born Aviation Products in Indiana for keychains and also for clothing items.

I have one of the keychains and it's not from that company. My WAG is that if the registration were challenged it would not hold up.