Relocating - Need Suggestions


Sounds like my first marriage.
I'm about a month away from completing my CFI initial and I'm looking to relocate away from the NY metro area in search of warm weather, cheaper living expenses, and a big student pool. Any suggestions?
High cost all around; what was your experience / training route to your expected CFI ?

I guess I should have stated in the OP that I plan on making the move after completing my initial; in search of employment outside of the NY area. Experience 320 TT CSEL. The goal is to relocate to somewhere more affordable for a full time CFI.
Transpac...AZ if you want hours.

CAE/Westwind in AZ if you want QOL.

Both cheap places to live. Probably cheaper than Florida and better wx without so many storms.
Riverside Flight Center in Tulsa, OK always needs instructors...I worked there a few years ago and flew close to 1000 hours the year I was there. Tulsa cost of living is pretty cheap...PM me if you have any questions.