Reinstating a CFI

If I remember correctly, it's going to be just like your initial CFI :(
I'm bored.

Plus, I think it's almost like my civic duty to start teaching the young pilots of today, because, frankly, YOU SUCK. I'll be an unholy terror! No GPS for anything EVER. If you show up for a lesson with a G1000, I'm turning it off. Lots and LOTS of turns around a point, and if I judge them inadequate, there will be a swagger-stick for hitting about the head and neck!
Print up the cards, "solo in 100 hours".
100 hours? They'll be lucky if I let them touch the controls. Solo signoff comes after our first dual flight in to a level 5. I mean, maybe. Depending upon how girlish the screams.

If they're not board and puffing on a cigarette through the whole squall line, tell them they'll never solo.
My initial CFI was not especially scary.

My CFI initial was the most pleasant ride I've had so far, and the fact that it was free had nothing to do with that. It also was the longest one but I didn't mind.

That said I wouldn't want to do that again unless I absolutely have to. Just too much stress.
My CFI initial was the most pleasant ride I've had so far, and the fact that it was free had nothing to do with that. It also was the longest one but I didn't mind.

That said I wouldn't want to do that again unless I absolutely have to. Just too much stress.

I would say my initial CFI was the easiest ride I had because I was the most prepared I had ever been. But I wouldn't want to do it again.
I've taught plenty of reinstatement guys in my CFI time. You just have to take a checkride for one CFI certificate, and it renews all. Take whichever one you feel most confident with. PTS tells you what to expect, even for a reinstatement ride. Prep like the initial, and you'll be just fine.