Registration dates/prices


Well-Known Member
I just went in to register for the event(s), and I had in the back of my head that "standard" pricing/registration ran through the 14th, and "late" pricing/registration ran from then to the event itself. Now it has the current registration ending on the 18th. Did I have that wrong? Just curious...
I wouldn't worry about it. If you're coming, and esp if you want to get into NJC, i'd register right now.

I sure hope you're not asking this in order to skip advance registration :p

the prices will go up because on day of, one of our volunteers will have to do all the name badge work on the spot vs ahead of time.
That's because we're WAY TOO close to maxing out the room. We don't want it over full capacity, it'd be, the more people we add, the higher the bar tab is getting as well and it's pushing us further in the red. So it's either that or close it and show it sold out.
Although I'm not working on this conference, I know these conferences are extremely difficult to plan for and execute without early registration.

That is why most conferences give early registration discounts.

You have no idea how hard it is to commit for a meeting room that is too big or too small several months in advance. It's often not possible to change the size of the room as you get closer to the conference dates.

Because attendees often don't register early enough, you then will end up with seminars and events being sold out because there isn't any more meeting space available.

The highest priced registration fees are usually at the door. Always try to register online prior to arrival. It is usually much cheaper.
