No I do not work for Sierra. I did my training there and have moved on. I know the flight department well and still live with three students. What I meant is a lawyer whom works for you will do everything you ask, as long as it is not illegal. He is paid to do it. Just like me and my clients, I am paid to go to the limits of the law and my personal limits, why b/c they paid me. But one thing I assume is neither you nor I or any lawyer besides Skips and KSA have seen the contract we do not know what the deal was and whom assumned the liabilities, I still have over six grand in my account, am I going to fly it off no, I have got a job flying. Am I going to sue Skip and get maybe two grand and have to waist my time from work and stuff I like no way. But all I know is there is no money left on skip's side, so before we all go off on a big crusade look at what there is to gain and lose. That is all I have to say.