Random quote from night #1

Run that train!
Now THAT was the quote of the weekend. I'll elaborate for those at home.

We're walking as a very sober, organized, and mild mannered group down the strip when a fine afro-american gentleman inquires as to our intentions for the night trying to persuade us to visit his affiliated gentlemen's club. I point to the JC member leading the group and inform the sales associate that we are all going to have group intercourse with that gentleman ahead. The reply was, "WOOO! RUN THAT TRAIN! RUN THAT TRAIN BREH!" complete with high-fives.
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Sir, I will have you know that we are aviation professionals.

Yes because aviation professionals are chaste in their ways and adhere to a strict moral code of piety that would make an order of Benedictine monks look like LaMar Odom. :D

I'm just going to assume drunk and rowdy. :p

It was actually @ComplexHiAv8r . Who probably is just finding out about this. :)

I don't even know how to respond to that. Well played!

We're walking as a very sober, organized, and mild mannered group

I think I could believe sober, organized and mild-mannered more than I could believe that we all went anywhere as anything resembling an actual 'group' Saturday or Sunday nights. More like 'several small collections of shamblers spread out over approx 1/2 mile, the back of which loses contact with the front every minute or so' :D