Random NTSB reports since Jan 1st - Poor ADM


Well-Known Member
So, I decided to search the NTSB database just from the begining of the year and selected a few at random (probably 10 out of 70). I honestly couldn't believe some of them and how reckless the operation seemed to be...all of the cases are in the preliminary stage but I think they are good examples of very poor ADM. Here are a few.....

Attempted Coordinated low pass in a CUB over moving jeep on a runway killing the 2 occupents of the jeep

VMC into IMC (not rated), 300lbs overweight and CG past aft limits in a Seneca - 6 dead

PC-12 crashes on take off in heavy snow with snow visible on the wing by ground personel (PC 12 is certified but still busts 91.527). Vis was reported @ 3/4 mile and mins for the ILS @ that apt are 1.5 miles. The reported Wx was below T/O mins (although no regs busted - part 91) - 2 Dead
I hate monday morning quarterbacking...but you just have to ask "what the hell were they thinking?"
I hate monday morning quarterbacking...but you just have to ask "what the hell were they thinking?"

Anytime engineers start talking about flying cars, I think about some of the dumb things people do in airplanes and shake my head.

I think accident reports are an invaluable learning tool, though - i always recommend that new pilots I meet read them regularly.
Yeah, people do stupid things in airplanes all the time. It's so common, in fact, that I've even been known to do a few myself. Which has convinced me that I don't need to spend any of my valuable time on this planet wagging my finger at other pilots, especially not dead ones.

PS. Which isn't to say I don't read the reports or consider their reading to be useful.