Quotable Quotes


Does It Really Matter....?
Staff member
"Some of us are show-ers and some of us are growers......"
"Do you think if I were married that I'd have a sterling silver wedding band? Are you kidding me?"

*fixed it for you :)
"You, me and Mike (MPenguin) are all the same! But you two are only part colored!"
"You've got these big claws Tony, and she's this scared bunny rabbit..."
"See how straights pick up women, Max... Tony is planting the seed, and then he's going to bring in his wingman with him later for the kill."
"Have you met Kingairer? Dude! You can totally have a coherent conversation with him! Didn't you think he was EatSleepFly when he first walked in?"
"We can get a stripper for anywhere from $35 to $120...GET YOUR HAND OFF MY ASS!"

-jdflight talking to Flychicaga


"Pimpin' the deuce"

*flashes NJC 2006 gang sign*
"Great. There go any chances I had of ever running for public office".
"Hey Doug, look at this. You see how both our names end in "off?" That means me and this guy are like cousins or somethin'. Did I tell you I love you man?"