Is that wet or dry? If it's dry that's way too much IMO.
Are they ancient 172's or 2000 era or later? $135 an hour is way too much for an old 172......unless that includes instruction.
Is $135/hour a good deal for a Cessna 172? I
Wet, that is fair for a new 172S Nav III G1000. It is also overkill for a PPL, where you will be in the pattern 80% of the time anyway. It also has almost no useful load.
A 152 should go for $55-70 an hour. I'd do the PPL that way, then do a checkout in the 172 after you get the PPL. Should save you about $4K.
+1....Cessna 152 is one of the most cost effective planes for your PPL...and they're FUN!
Sounds like I need to get a checkout there when I get my private.That is crazy how expensive it is! Where I'm at u can rent a 152 for $50 and hour wet...and a Piper Arrow for $99
My advice is to forget sexy at first... Go with the cheaper plane.. Basic, small, cheap. Then progress to the sexy DA40. When your starting your private your learning how to fly the plane. a G1000 DA40 will teach you how to be a manager of systems.