Question for you freighters

You don't need to do AMF long term to go corp. I did 13 months. I imagine 2 years tops and even then you're overdoing it if that's you're goal.
I think if 121 is your goal, go 121. If 135 or 91 is, then it's not a bad place to get some experience.
A touch more that 1 year at AMF, moved on, and I'm making considerably more than I'd ever make at any regional as an FO. At this point, in career earning potential, if I had went 121 and made it to Delta wide body 25 year capt before I retired, I'd still not make up the difference of lost wages early on. I do the math :D.
Ya AMF is a fantastic place to gain some experience and flight time. But there are no 121 companies that favor AMF over getting time anywhere else.
You don't need to do AMF long term to go corp. I did 13 months. I imagine 2 years tops and even then you're overdoing it if that's you're goal.
I think if 121 is your goal, go 121. If 135 or 91 is, then it's not a bad place to get some experience.
A touch more that 1 year at AMF, moved on, and I'm making considerably more than I'd ever make at any regional as an FO. At this point, in career earning potential, if I had went 121 and made it to Delta wide body 25 year capt before I retired, I'd still not make up the difference of lost wages early on. I do the math :D.
At the very least, staying employed makes the biggest difference in career earnings. Unless you STAY at a 50-60k/year job, then the guys that get lucky at FedEx are gonna pass you. IF they don't ever get furloughed. Not saying you can't lose your jerb in 135/91 either, but depending on where you go, there can be more stability. Dammit, trying to out-think things again! :)

Agree with the previous though. Do your 2 years in freight, if you have that itch,(I did) and get out. Don't come here for a shortcut or if you don't want to be here. It's not for the faint of heart. AMF is a pretty wide range of QOL. Some bases/runs are OK at best, some are hell. As much of a loud mouth I am about expressing my opinion of freight guys being superior, flying airplanes isn't hard. Even the children of magenta will "get it" someday. :D