Question for the contract guys.


Well-Known Member
Hello all! So I have a question for all of you contract pilots out there... A few actually. I got laid off from my 135 Hawker job about 2 months ago and I got called back by the same company to fly as a contractor so they save money in the long run... They are paying me the same thing I was getting plus the money to make up for the taxes... Question #1... As a contractor I know I need to put the extra money they are giving me away for taxes... Do most of you guys file quarterly or just put it all away and at the end of the year pay what you owe? Next question and I guess the last... Does your employer pay for your recurrent training or do you? Just a few questions... Give me a PM if you want or you can post so everyone else will know if they need to! Fly safe guys!!!:nana2:
I file quarterly for the contract work I do. In the end, it's a better deal for me.

I'm torn on recurrent training. I think that in your situation, they should pay for it, but don't bank on it.

I have one client I fly the Cj for. When it comes time for my recurrent, I expect them to (and it's been agreed that they will...) pay for it. If I were flying it for more than one client, I'd probably have to fork over the money for it...or guarantee "x" days/week or month or year to be available for them.

I file quarterly as well. With my contract my company picks up the bill for recurrents as well. I fly two types for them and they send me to both recurrents back to back. From what I have seen out here, the long term contracts (mine is until 2015) carry clauses for type ratings and recurrents. Short term ones (one year or less) normally do not carry recurrents but could stipulate that should they offer you a new contract then they would send you to a recurrent for a guaranteed amount of time on your part. Contracts vary from person to person even in the same company. Really it is how you negotiate it and how badly they need you. Good luck.
Short term ones (one year or less) normally do not carry recurrents but could stipulate that should they offer you a new contract then they would send you to a recurrent for a guaranteed amount of time on your part.

That's how mine is structured.
