If I have this right.....
Jan. 1, 2001
F/O A 10 yrs
F/O B 7 yrs
Jan.1, 2002
F/O B upgrades to Captain
Jan.1, 2004
F/O A upgrades to Captain
Captain A now gets to bid trips before Captain B, eventhough B has more time at Captain.
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Pretty much. Date of hire is everything when it comes to seniority.
Another question......During furloughs, will Captains get "demoted" to F/O and then the least senior FO's be furloughed?
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In a real basic sense, yes. I was on a pretty junior aircraft category after 9/11 so I actually moved up in seniority a little, but I started moving backwards after Delta moved the 757/767 category to other bases. Now I'm like 120 out of 180 MD-88 FO's in DFW, but when I transfer to ATL I think I'll be something like 140 out of 380 MD-88 FO's so I'll see a huge seniority jump.