Question about colleges


Well-Known Member
Ok so, I know I want to get a college degree. Here is my question. I was wondering, does it matter to an airline if you get a degree online, or on campus? Will the airline not take you as serious if you obtain a degree online as opposed to on campus?

I was hoping to go to ATP in August and take time off from school to work for them and get hired. Once I get hired with an airline.....If I get hired....I was gonna work online towards a degree and just take my time. It sounds good to me because I don't have to rush. The only reason I would be getting the degree is to make it to the bigs.

What does everyone think?

Maybe I am over thinking this again.

If I don't do that, I'll just finish a General Studies degree on campus and then head to flight school.....Or whatever comes along. Who knows.
A degree is a degree...a piece of paper. Whether it is from an online course, on campus, or some kind of hybrid arrangement. Also it does not matter if it is a degree in aviation, marketing, sociology, etc...In fact being a college grad from an aviation program added with this economy has made it hard to be marketable for other more normal jobs. Many employers ask, why apply here at XYZ when you have a degree in aviation, why don't you just go to an airline or work in that career field. Even if you can market it in their favor it will still be hard to convince them.

Be careful with ATP and a lot of the pilot factory types with this economy and the lack of jobs...They will promise you the world and the dream job until they have your money, then wont answer your calls. (that statement is made in general and not directed towards ATP). Don't take on debt!!! There is no hurry right now.
Thanks for the response. I'm not sure if I want to go there or just work with my FBO. I just want to have hours because I keep hearing about this big hiring boom in 2012. Idk if thats gonna happen or not.
Thanks for the response. I'm not sure if I want to go there or just work with my FBO. I just want to have hours because I keep hearing about this big hiring boom in 2012. Idk if thats gonna happen or not.

Yeah we all heard stories about hiring boom before.
There was a large thread about online colleges about a month ago. Search for it and your question will be answered.
Online is so common nowadays, I've had more than one interview where an interviewer asked me if I had the same instructors as them!
Thanks for the response. I'm not sure if I want to go there or just work with my FBO. I just want to have hours because I keep hearing about this big hiring boom in 2012. Idk if thats gonna happen or not.

Don't trust rumors about hiring booms. No one knows what the industry is going to do next week, let alone 3 years from now!

To answer your question, make sure it is an accredited place you get the degree from.

Personally though, some of the best years I've had in my life were going to college and meeting the people that I did. If I could go back and re-live those years I'd do so in a heartbeat. So I'd say go whatever way you feel is right for you, but going to a traditional 4 year college is well worth it. IMHO.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I think I will probably just stick with the college I'm at. That way I know its accredited.

Idk about the hiring boom.....I just heard it a while back.......but who knows. Good point about not knowing whats going to be happening by then. I guess I should slow down. Haha.....I guess I get a little carried away. :banghead:

Hiring boom / Pilot shortage.... Both are made up to get kids to spend big $$$$ at the 141 and PFT schools.

IMHO There hasn't been a pilot shortage and there never will be.
Ok so, I know I want to get a college degree. Here is my question. I was wondering, does it matter to an airline if you get a degree online, or on campus? Will the airline not take you as serious if you obtain a degree online as opposed to on campus?

I was hoping to go to ATP in August and take time off from school to work for them and get hired. Once I get hired with an airline.....If I get hired....I was gonna work online towards a degree and just take my time. It sounds good to me because I don't have to rush. The only reason I would be getting the degree is to make it to the bigs.

What does everyone think?

Maybe I am over thinking this again.

If I don't do that, I'll just finish a General Studies degree on campus and then head to flight school.....Or whatever comes along. Who knows.

I'd recommend getting a degree at a physical place. I did a semester of UVU, and though I learned a lot, it was easy (even working fulltime) and not very fulfilling. Go to an actual college, and work and go to school, you'll suffer, but its worth it, even though I'm tired a lot from studying to the early hours of the morning before school starts, and then working the day after that, its well worth it. The feeling of accomplishment when finals are over is totally worth it.

I've done both online, oncampus, and hybrid schedules. I find online classes much harder than on campus classes. For one, there's no lecture time online, so it's up to you to figure the material out. For another, there seems like there is a lot more homework with online classes. But all of my online classes have been with accredited institutions, so mileage may vary...
I personally like a hybrid schedule, 3-4 classes on campus 1-2 online. It works really well for me that way I don't have to attend class every day, yet get the benefits of networking on campus, hanging out with friends, etc.
All things being equal, I'd say a traditional degree carries more weight. Makes you a more well-rounded person too. Just my 2 cents.
I thought about going the online route, but I don't want to give up the essential college experience.

College is more than just a degree, it's a social affair.
There hasn't been a pilot shortage since Orville and Wilbur Wright! They had one airplane and two pilots.

I've been in this biz a very long time and lived through this industry's good times and bad and have NEVER seen a shortage of pilots. I've seen a lowering of qualifications for a position but NEVER a shortage.

A degree is a a degree! Doesn't matter from where or what it's in so long as you have one....preferably a 4 yr and something you can fall back on if necessary.