Pursuing career slowly..


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I just wanted some others opinion on the plan to pursue aviation as a career. I just started an electrical apprenticeship with the local union which lasts about 5 years. I am almost done with the private pilot and was planning on getting all my ratings while completing my ratings so I have plenty of time. If I get all the ratings, I was planning on flight instructing on the side until the apprenticeship is complete. Afterwards, I would like to instruct full-time and pursue aviation fulltime while having the electrical trade as a back up. Does this sound like a viable plan?

I have my electrical license, and although I do not use it currently, it has served me well as both a back up, and for side cash over the years. Currently working on my COMM, I intend to always keep my electrical certs current (only takes about $200/year for lic. and continuing ed.) Someone always needs an electrician, and if you are not afraid to get dirty, there is always a job to be done somewhere. Doing residential service work sucks IMHO, but its always available, and you can do it days, nights or weekends.

Electrical construction is being dominated by undocumented/unlicensed workers, so do not even bother bidding construction work, you will get beat down on price every time. Service work is where its at. The guys who do construction have nowhere near the skills to be able to troubleshoot and repair. People will pay to have something fixed right. After a few good jobs in the right high-end neighborhoods, you will find a "cult-following" of clients who I swear will call you just because it seems to be the cool thing to do, and they want to keep up with the Joneses who you just installed a new patio light for. Once you become their "electrical guy" you are golden for side cash, or even full time work depending on what you need.
Slow and steady the way to do it! Good luck and keep us posted.