PTSD unemployable

Okay, so here's an update from yesterday.
The FAA guy I spoke with (called him to get answers about the light sport thing) suggested I do light sport while I'm working through the hurdles of my class III med issue. This guy was very remarkable. I think he is a Vet himself. Only way I can figure he was so helpful. Wish I could remember his name. Not sure if it was the same person I spoke with yesterday or not.

He said find a school, get trained, get some flight time in and then when and/or/if I get the med cert, I'll be ahead of it all. Also the flight time will show the AME a proven flight record with or without the meds which will also be reflected in the FAA paperwork.

I started looking this morning.
I'm in the Olympia Washington area and have not been able to find an instructor. If anyone knows of one in a 50 mile radius of Olympia or Lacey Washington area, please PM me or post it here.

Thanks and I'll keep those interested in my med progress with the FAA updated as it occurs. I'm sure the process will be slower than trying to type a manifesto with a pencil holding it your mouth and chewing gum at the same time. Fortunately, I can at least walk and chew gum, the typing part is another story.....little humor to start your day.


In Puyallup, check out Sim flight center. Tell Sean, who is also a Vet (Navy, but I try not to hold it against him) your situation. They just got approved for VA Benefits. I know these guys very well and highly recommend them.

Olympia has Glacier and Jorgensen Air Service. I know Glacier has a pretty good helicopter program but don't know anything about the fixed wing side. Jorgensen has been training since I think the airport opened. They have a Cessna 150 which I believe meets the lightsport requirements.

Since I am semi-local I can help you with some of the training. I am not a fixed wing CFI but I can help you with ground and we can go punch some holes in the clouds to get you started.
You are more than welcome. I am sorry if using the word "fine" came off as cavalier or inappropriate as that was not my intention at all. I simply have a lot of trepidations where the VA is involved as I have seen so many Vets with so many issues, conflicts and struggles with them. I understand PTSD quite a bit and get that there is no real cure but there are good management and coping skills possible and that one can lead a better life. I volunteer at/for several Vets charities and also have a small service that I provide where I match up homeless dogs with Vets. I am a bit out of sorts because I am trying to quit smoking (which is not going well lol) and I have some other medical issues I am currently dealing with and feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed out. So I just wanted you to know that I didn't mean to misspeak and that I do understand, I am just sometimes typing and using the first thing that pops into what is left of my brain.:D Sometimes it's just more difficult to communicate what you really mean when typing as opposed to speaking too.

I didn't see anything you wrote as challenging or derogatory in any way. I totally saw you trying to help so I wouldn't be concerned. I appreciate your stepping up to help Vets and I know Vet with Dreams does too.
I didn't see anything you wrote as challenging or derogatory in any way. I totally saw you trying to help so I wouldn't be concerned. I appreciate your stepping up to help Vets and I know Vet with Dreams does too.
Thanks. I am just stressed out, overwhelmed and really not quite myself lately. My head is not in the best of places. Ugh. Hopefully, in another 5 or 6 weeks, I'll have the worst of this current little crapfest over with.
In Puyallup, check out Sim flight center. Tell Sean, who is also a Vet (Navy, but I try not to hold it against him) your situation. They just got approved for VA Benefits. I know these guys very well and highly recommend them.

Olympia has Glacier and Jorgensen Air Service. I know Glacier has a pretty good helicopter program but don't know anything about the fixed wing side. Jorgensen has been training since I think the airport opened. They have a Cessna 150 which I believe meets the lightsport requirements.

Since I am semi-local I can help you with some of the training. I am not a fixed wing CFI but I can help you with ground and we can go punch some holes in the clouds to get you started.
That is just terrific!!! Very cool!!
I've been diagnosed with PTSD at the 70% level, deemed unemployable by the VA, receive disability from both SSD and VA.

I'm not suicidal, homicidal or any other "Cidal". I suffer from extreme nightmares and have anger issues towards people who willing put someones life at risk for the sake their own career, not their life mind you, just their career.
I take Buproprion every morning and for the last few years has helped me.

I would like to learn to fly, not commercially, but recreational. Before I even go down this long road of getting waiver after waiver, I want to know if there is any light at the end of the tunnel for me.

I have two letters from the VA psychs (I seen both of them about every three months) that say clearly being a pilot would be good for me and poses no danger. I asked about this and discussed it with them because I knew there might be issues.

So, is there any chance of getting my class III and I'm not talking about "There's always a chance" scenario, I'm talking real chance.

Forgot to mention, part of my disability is hip related from being blown up in Iraq. That's the SSD part. Trouble walking, but not trouble using my legs.


I actually found your post to be inspirational - your motivation to better yourself, your heads up/common sense approach, your readiness to ask for advice, and your realistic expectations.

Flying is tremendously rewarding and a fantastic hobby for escaping the mundaneness of the daily routine (PTSD or not). I wish you the best, and there are a lot of people on here who can provide great advice for literally any flying question (and a lot of non-flying questions).

I'll just say - be prepared to hit the books. I think the bookwork aspect of it takes a lot of people by surprise. It picks up considerably after the first solo, and you see a lot of students drop out around that point as a result.

Good luck!
Cessna 150's are not LSA. Too heavy. The EAA was the original support for what became LSA. There is an EAA chapter right in Olympia. You should join the EAA and get involved with the local chapter. Email the president of the chapter and tell him your story. There is bound to be someone around who would be sympathetic to your situation. I'm in Chelan and sold my plane but I've maintained my CFI . If you are able to progress to where you can get a PPL or better I'd be happy to work with you.