PTK Crashpad

no, i wish. M59 is a freaking joke at rush hour. I could be at Cass Lake and 59 at rush hour it would be 45 minutes to the airport. Now @ 3am easy drive, no problem.

People flat out cannot drive
There are some nice trailer parks nearby, or the zero-star Pontiac Lake Motel.
There are some nice trailer parks nearby, or the zero-star Pontiac Lake Motel.

you mean the negative 1 million star hotel. That place looks nasty just driving by it. I can't believe they what they get for it. I've stayed in nicer Red Roofs for $30.
you mean the negative 1 million star hotel. That place looks nasty just driving by it. I can't believe they what they get for it. I've stayed in nicer Red Roofs for $30.

One advantage is the Craigslist chicks only have to walk over to the next room to visit you, no driving involved! +1