PSA Airlines Hiring Dispatchers

<-- Might know of potential job opportunity for a few flight followers / part 91 dispatchers. PM if interested & i'll give you the info.

It would be hard to take a stand for higher pay. The dispatching profession has a relatively low barrier of entry.

Berkut, IMO your statement is worded backwards. The reason the barriers to entry are low is because regionals aren't willing to offer a livable wage. More money, better QOL and this job will attract people who could really make a difference.
"I formally retract my invitation to dispatchers looking for a job. Do not apply at PSA, I repeat, DO NOT APPLY AT PSA, unless you enjoy living in poverty and having absolutely no advancement opportunity. This is the poorest excuse for an airline in the history of airlines. Please, do yourself a favor, and go elsewhere.I formally retract my invitation to dispatchers looking for a job. Do not apply at PSA, I repeat, DO NOT APPLY AT PSA, unless you enjoy living in poverty and having absolutely no advancement opportunity. This is the poorest excuse for an airline in the history of airlines. Please, do yourself a favor, and go elsewhere."

Too LAte :(
"I formally retract my invitation to dispatchers looking for a job. Do not apply at PSA, I repeat, DO NOT APPLY AT PSA,"

Too LAte Brian :(
Republic Airways starts at $14.22 and Indy is a very affordable place to live. Be careful applying for some of the regionals out there. Probably will only be a handful remaining after the next 3-5 years in my opinion.