Primary training in a SR22...

Does the Cirrus have an IRS or AHRS system?

I guess looking at it one way is dealing with failures. When a gyro fails generally it will fail slowly and if your scan is weak, it can really get you into trouble.

I know on AHRS systems and IRS stuff that when something gets a miscompare or whatnot it alerts you and generally when it is failed it becomes an X.

The T-6 has an AHRS system, and typically when it fails you get the Red X. Unfortunately, it does have one mode of failure or malfunction or whatever that results in a bad attitude displayed, and no indications of failure. This mode typically fixes itself after about 10-15 minutes, but in that time there is a potential for disaster.

Point being, AHRS doesn't necessarily prevent that scenario (or at least not always).
Do you have dual AHRS that the sytem compares itself to?

In the ERJ you'll get a ding and a miscompare if the two systems aren't putting out the same data. At that point, you'll run a QRH which I believe has you swap between the two AHRS units so you can figure out which one is giving you good data.
In the Excel if you get either a HDG, ROL, ATT, IAS, etc Comparison Monitor it will alert you on the PFD near the instrument but there is no Master Caution associated with it, so it can go undetected. The pilot and co-pilot input data are compared in the symbol generator, and if the difference between the data exceeds predetermined levels, then the small amber Comparison Monitor alerts pop up near the display that is effected, however it doesnt tell you which one depending on the nature of the miscompare. The Primus 1000 does not give you an audible alert, unlike the Primus 2000. However, generally if the AHRS itself goes bad, you lose alot of capabilities depending on which one went south. But you can take the information from the other AHRS and use it.

You can revert to the others by pushing either the HDG reversionary button and use the other's input HDG input, ATT for pitch and bank, or the ADC for the Altitude, Airspeed and VSI info.
What are your opinions on students flying an SR22 from the discovery flight?

I found a school that does that, $170/hr. No I'm not going there but just seems odd that the first time a student will fly the 6 pack is for the complex / commercial training.

The $170/hr has gotta be dry time, right? I've never seen an SR22 rent for less than $250/hr!
As for teaching the basics of flying, I don't think it will really make that much difference. I have something like 500 hours instructing in T-37's and about 400 instructing in T-6's, and for basic aero and aircraft handling I don't really think the glass makes much difference.

The airlines found that going UP from steam to glass was not that big of a challenge. The problem was going from glass to hunting all over the cockpit to build a picture of what was going on with the steam gauges. Many airlines added a few sim sessions for guys coming off the right seat of something like a 757/767 to the DC-9 just to get them up to speed again.