PRIA Act of 1996 Question


New Member
Under the PRIA Act of 1996

Can I request records by handwritten letter quoting the first part of PRIA?

If the Air Carrier doesn't supply them what can I do?

How do I correct information I feel is inaccurate?

If I suspect (but can't prove) an Air Carrier is supplying information without my written consent... what are my options?

I also worked for a Part 91 Air Carrier with seven aircraft (they really should be under 135)... are they obligated to supply records?

Need a little experienced help here... please email direct: with suggestions.
You used "part 91" and "air carrier" in the same sentence. Was it a 91k management situation where they were issued a certificate and Mspecs?

If not, then they aren't an "air carrier" and as such, I don't believe they are under the PRIA act.

I believe this act only applies to "Air Carriers". Part 91 would not fall under this.

Also, when you get a new job at an "Air Carrier" they are required to check and previous "Air Carriers" that you were at are required to provide. They are to provide training records only. This isn't a hotline for employers to whisper to each other about former employees. It's a way for the FAA to ensure that bad pilots who have a history of repeatedly failing not hide it.

I got let go from a company after having problems in transition training and the next company I worked for saw the paperwork. The process is:

New company mails forms to old companies (that you usually fill out yourself) and old companies mail back training records. That's all there is to it. I would bet sometimes the old training records don't even get looked at and get tossed if you're straight forward in the interview and then make it through training.
I worked for two Part 135 "Air Carriers" - Passed both 135 check rides first time around.

I worked for one Part 91 company that by all rights SHOULD be a 135 company.

I would like to have copies of my records from all three companies, but I'll take what I'm legally entitled to.

Am I entitled to those records and is a hand written letter sufficient for the request ???
I worked for two Part 135 "Air Carriers" - Passed both 135 check rides first time around.

I worked for one Part 91 company that by all rights SHOULD be a 135 company.

I would like to have copies of my records from all three companies, but I'll take what I'm legally entitled to.

Am I entitled to those records and is a hand written letter sufficient for the request ???
If the 91 was really running a 134.5 operation, I'd be surprised if they even kept records after you left.
