PPL and heading into Stage 2 of IFR


New Member
Hey all,

It's been a while since I posted, finally jumped into flight training as of September 11th, 2008. Got my PPL on January 2nd, 2009, and am now heading into Stage 2 of IFR training, bring on the holds and shooting approaches with TT of 70.1 hours.
Congratulations and good luck with the instrument. I just got my instrument in the twin yesterday and will be heading right onto commercial next.
Congrats on the PPL - are you doing the IR part 141 or 61 (I'm guessing 141 if you are out of OWD - Horizon?). If you are part 61 I'd advise getting a large chunk of the 50 hrs XC out of the way before starting instruction (say 30 - 40 hrs). Start the Ground portion ASAP and get the written out of the way too.
Good luck.
Yes, I'm flying with Horizon Aviation. I'm going with 141. I'm dual enrolled in the Comm too so that I will be working on that simultaneously. Somewhere between stage 2 and 3 I will be doing the 1st stage of Commercial and then working on a ton of those XCs on my off days when I don't have lessons scheduled. Gotta love drinking from that firehose!
Hey all,

It's been a while since I posted, finally jumped into flight training as of September 11th, 2008. Got my PPL on January 2nd, 2009, and am now heading into Stage 2 of IFR training, bring on the holds and shooting approaches with TT of 70.1 hours.

A BIG Congrats! Keep it going! :rawk: