Possible FAA duty times changes

What's sad is that he's put up with that nonsense for over 10 years.

Its because many never thought they would fly the jets.... And since they are in a Jet they will retire here. Even more sad is the number whom are perfectly content with how things are and lack a desire to change things. :(
Oh man, holy "My subcontractor is going to be around for 30 more years" batman!

I'm not even sure Southernjets as I know it is going to be around by the time I'm 65.
AWAC has been around since 1965...however they ran under their own brand until the early 90s (?).

A lot of senior guys get stuck. During this past downturn especially. We did a lot of hiring in the late 90s and they quickly upgraded to CRJ CA making around $65k/yr. Everyone got stuck after 9/11 and no one really hired at the major level until about 2005-2006. At that point they already had 8 years in, and were probably over $80k with their pick of the schedules, good insurance, etc. There was limited hiring in 2006-2007 and while some did leave, those that stayed are happy that they did as they'd most likely be furloughed.

I'm not saying I would stay if in that position but I can see why they did. A lot of the guys that left in 2006-2007 were brand new or junior CA's, some with <100 PIC.
Oh man, holy "My subcontractor is going to be around for 30 more years" batman!

I'm not even sure Southernjets as I know it is going to be around by the time I'm 65.

We actually aren't a subcontractor. We are one of 4 certificates (well, three now) owned by the group that owns the brand name. That said, our flying is controlled by scope.

I'd say about 60% of our Captains have no plans of moving on to other things unless they get a longevity (maybe seniority based) flowthrough to somewhere. I'm number 50 out of 50 captains in domicile and 39 guys above me have no plans of going anywhere and the nearest one to retirement has 7 years left.
As I said before, I would love a 4 hr min day pay, plus some sort of duty rig. It would force colgan to build rsv lines with more than 10 days off, or pay rsv guys 80+ hours before even touching any flying.

12 hour day is good for reserves, because it would end 12 hour reserve periods. it would be pointless to be on reserve at hour 12.. because you could not fly anything.
As I said before, I would love a 4 hr min day pay, plus some sort of duty rig. It would force colgan to build rsv lines with more than 10 days off, or pay rsv guys 80+ hours before even touching any flying.

12 hour day is good for reserves, because it would end 12 hour reserve periods. it would be pointless to be on reserve at hour 12.. because you could not fly anything.

With a min four hour day, I'd be sitting at 32 hours of credit already for the month rather than 17. Last month I credited 87 hours, but based on ASA's trip/duty rigs, I'd have been over 100. I'd just be happy to see the 4-5 hour sits we've got on our schedules go away. I'd rather spend that 4-5 hours in rest at the end of the day rather than spend it in the airport and only get 8:15 for rest.
So steve. . .

I have to ask.

Do you guys have any trip/duty rigs in this TA?

If so, are they at least to the level that ASA established in our current contract? If not, what's the Negotiating committee saying as to why not? More importantly, if there are none what's their explanation on that?
As I said before, I would love a 4 hr min day pay, plus some sort of duty rig. It would force colgan to build rsv lines with more than 10 days off, or pay rsv guys 80+ hours before even touching any flying.

12 hour day is good for reserves, because it would end 12 hour reserve periods. it would be pointless to be on reserve at hour 12.. because you could not fly anything.

I thought most regionals had the 4-hour min day pay. Piedmont has that... it's nice to have.
Do you guys have any trip/duty rigs in this TA?

If so, are they at least to the level that ASA established in our current contract? If not, what's the Negotiating committee saying as to why not? More importantly, if there are none what's their explanation on that?

Nope. They say it'll cut down on days off since the company will just schedule to the minimums. I call BS on that. I would have credited on average 20+ hours MORE a month with rigs. The senior guys might only get 16 days off instead of 19, I guess. I'll be in the corner crying them a river.
Nope. They say it'll cut down on days off since the company will just schedule to the minimums. I call BS on that. I would have credited on average 20+ hours MORE a month with rigs. The senior guys might only get 16 days off instead of 19, I guess. I'll be in the corner crying them a river.

WG's been pushing that nonsense for many years. I'll say the same thing I told him about 7 years ago: if rigs were so bad, do you really think every major airline pilot group would have them? :banghead:

We have a 2.5:1 duty right and a 4 hour min day, and we're hoping to get a 2:1 duty rig and a 5.5 hour min day. Rigs are wonderful. Don't let your NC tell you differently.
As I said before, I would love a 4 hr min day pay, plus some sort of duty rig. It would force colgan to build rsv lines with more than 10 days off, or pay rsv guys 80+ hours before even touching any flying.

I did a 4-day trip with a member of Eagle's negotiating committee we talked about min day pay, trip and duty rigs. Min daily has a downside for commuters at Eagle. Right now a lot of trips start or end with one leg. He said a good 2:1 or 2.5:1 duty rig would fix the trip rig and min day pay problem and would be less to negotiate. It world be more of a win:win for both the company and the pilots.
Nope. They say it'll cut down on days off since the company will just schedule to the minimums. I call BS on that. I would have credited on average 20+ hours MORE a month with rigs. The senior guys might only get 16 days off instead of 19, I guess. I'll be in the corner crying them a river.


Yeah, I said it.
Min daily has a downside for commuters at Eagle. Right now a lot of trips start or end with one leg.

The way to fix that is with a min average day. If you set the average day at 5.5 hours, then it allows the pairing optimizer to continue building those commutable trips while putting as much flying into the middle days of the trip to optimize the pairing.
Nope. They say it'll cut down on days off since the company will just schedule to the minimums. I call BS on that. I would have credited on average 20+ hours MORE a month with rigs. The senior guys might only get 16 days off instead of 19, I guess. I'll be in the corner crying them a river.

Ay yi yi....
You can also negotiate for No min day pay if pairings start or end prior to a certain time. This is for the commuters. I don't remember what it is here, I want to say starts after 3pm and ends before 12 pm allows for no min day pay.
So, I start RR at 7:41 am. They have a trip for me. DH to MSP, MSP-SDF-MSP, DH back to MEM. Done at....wait for it......21:30. Max they can give me 14 hours from the start of my reserve. This one is 13:58 of duty. Credit? 4 hours. Yeah, rigs would SUCK. :sarcasm: I'd be getting 7+ hours with an ASA rig.....
Simply the best!

Gets better. I just got told by our former (or I guess current for now) MEM CA rep and two senior check airmen that I'm voting myself back into the right seat. I'm still trying to figure out what they're basing this (and the supposed Delta growth they keep spouting about) on.

I'm tired of the crew room banter. I'm gonna go check in for my middle seat on the DH.