Piper pilots beware !

There was a King Air in Archer.

I really need to watch this show. I get hung up though because I watched Bob's Burgers first and all I can hear now is Bob.
Does anyone watch Silicon Valley? This thread reminded me of the mean "pitot" jerking math problem they were working on at TechCrunch. Tell my story if I get bant for linking video. It's not safe for work!
In all seriousness, I don't think I've ever touched a pitot mast, from my time in small airplanes to flying ones where they will burn your skin right off.
In all seriousness, I don't think I've ever touched a pitot mast, from my time in small airplanes to flying ones where they will burn your skin right off.
I usually touch ours putting on the cover after the flight. There was one time the heat was left on. Now I really make sure to double check switches after exiting the runway.
The real scary part is when you throw the handle and the plane starts torquing around on the jacks, that and making sure you jacked it up high enough that the wheels would clear the ground.

We generally would unlock the gear and then swing them through by hand to make sure they would clear first.
Been there, done that. Only thing so far that approaches that level of "there are so many ways for this to go bad" has been hoisting a Caravan on and off of floats.
My bird has some tubes called the pitot
Which work, except when there's sleet-o
So I turn on the heat
which melts it, quite neat!
My airspeed is now quite magnifico.