Piper Aztec


Well-Known Member
Any thoughts on a fresh PPL doing his instrument and commercial in Piper Aztec? Is that too much plane for a new PPL?
Depends on the student. Easy twin to fly, but it'll take the student awhile to get used to complex, high performance, and multi-engine all at once.

If they get the multi engine rating first with a solid 20 or so hours in the airplane, then introduce the instrument or commercial work that could be a better option

Mostly, depends on the student.
I did this with a student in a Twin Comanche. It took her about 10 hours to get used to the speed and complexity of the plane, but worked out well in the end. Prior to starting the training she only had about 50 hours in a Cessna 150. Your student needs to get to 250 hours total time, so it taking him a little longer to learn everything shouldn't be a big deal.

I've done IFR training in a twin with a few students. Do the PPL Multi add-on first, then get into the IFR rating. Then, depending upon how he/she wants to get to 250, build time accordingly. We typically do the CMEL as the initial, and then do the CSEL add-on.
You are a Private Pilot MEL, correct? If so then I wouldn't worry about. Just plan to do 10-20 hr's in the airplane for learning the airplane. Don't expect to start your IR right away. However I do believe it is very possible.
After seven hours in the Seminole I jumped right into my instrument then commercial. Pretty easy transition for me.
Any thoughts on a fresh PPL doing his instrument and commercial in Piper Aztec? Is that too much plane for a new PPL?

Don't see where it would be a problem. I started flying an Aztec shortly after I got my PPL. Spent about 10-15 hours on the "get to know you" plan before starting any serious instrument flying or maneuvers.

The Aztec is a fairly straight forward airplane, easy to fly. Should have no problems with it.
Aztec is a good plane. I did my multi rating in a Twin Comanche and when I started flying cargo I was in the Aztec so the trim was an easy transition. Aztec's fly well on one engine. The only thing that sucks is when you lose the left engine you lose you hydraulic pump. Its a PIA to pump the gear down while you are flying around on one engine with a bunch of oil on your wing. I would say its a good trainer its not to fast.
It sure is a lot to put on a student. I've never been a big fan of stuffing a fresh private pilot into a multi and trying to get him loaded up with IFR and commercial procedures. Just seems like someone trying to milk my money away from me.