Pinnacle vs ExpressJet

I don't know about all that. I just know we have maybe about 6 major MEL's in the entire XJT fleet at any time. That's pretty dang good if you ask me.

Also realize the reliability of an airplane increases as companies realize ways to make it more reliable. Right now the EMB170 isn't too reliable since it still has bugs. The CRJ-200 and ERJ-145 are doing alright now since they've had the time to work bugs out.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the CRJ has been around a little longer as well.
The captains I fly with say the ERJ used to have a lot of software/mx issues (Flameouts due to double FADEC failures, etc) but most of that's been ironed out for at least 2 or 3 years now (at least in the 135/140/145 series).

Granted I've only been flying them about 2 months but the worst I've had to do is MEL 1 MFD. In my experience it's been a great bird from a maintenance standpoint. I certainly wouldn't base my employment decision on what type of aircraft I was going to fly if it came down to CRJ vs. ERJ. Pay, location of bases, benefits, upgrade time, job security, all come way before that, if you're lucky enough to be able to choose between more than one job offer. I'm sure they're both fine aircraft.

As far as the status of Continental vs. Northwest, I'd say they're both on about equal footing. Both are losing money but Continental is hiring pilots right now. Because of the old flow-through agreement, that is creating some movement on the Expressjet seniority list.

That said, I don't think you can go wrong with ExpressJet

That said, I don't think you can go wrong with ExpressJet

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Having a blast myself...from the warm beaches of PVR to the snow of CLE in one trip!