Pilot Wanted!


Well-Known Member

Pilot for fast growing, well established small county FBO. Applicant must have 50,000 hours. TT of which 24,997 is multiengine. He or she must also have an ATP, SES, SEL, MES, CFII, AGI, A&P, IA, commercial helicopter, type rated in B-707, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, DC-3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, L-1011, BAC 111.

Requires Ph.D in Aeronautical Engineering and 1000 hours in a SR-71. 500 hours in the space shuttle is desirable although not required.

Age Restriction: 21 years of age, inexperienced or over age or under age need not apply. Job will consist of flight instruction in a C-152 and some charter. Pay is minimum wage.
Does those need to be to a full stop, or can they be touch and go?

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Full stop, touch and goes in the shuttle are too easy.
Only 49,959 hours and 30 more minutes, and all of the ratings to go! Does my simulation of the space shuttle for a school field trip count?
Also, only 6.5 more years, and some college degrees with it!
Actually I take it back about the full stop landings in the shuttle. If this company wants a 21 year old with an ATP, they probably also want somone who has done touch & goes in the shuttle.
And that first post is just the minimums...you don't even want to hear what you need to be competitive.
Yeah! I QUALIFY!! Well, as soon as I finish up my Ph.D in aeronautical engineeirng tommorow and WAIT! I'm not qualified
I should of taken that guy up on his offer to get type rated in the DC-3 yesterday. But $19.95 seemed like an awfully steep price tag
Also, you have to have flown 30 times around the world in the wright's flyer. Have to be able to relocate every week.