Pilot killed by table saw.


New Member
Well not really but that was the headline that was going thru my head yesterday. I was flying back from the Adirondack Mountains in NY, with a table saw in the back seat. In the refection on my instruments you could clearly see the 10” blade sitting there, I was thinking about what the NTSB report would say.

“The pilot who forgot to unplug the extension cord of his table saw was killed today when the saw inadvertently started and cut his airplane in two…”
...going thru my head yesterday. I was flying back ... with a table saw in the back seat... clearly see the 10” blade sitting there...

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When I just skimmed this and saw these phrases, I thought about turbulence and what the acceleration of a 10" blade would be from the backseat into the cockpit... Would bring a literal meaning to "going thru [your] head"...
that was the headline that was going thru my head yesterday

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Good thing that was the only thing that went through your head!