Pictures of Winter Wonderland a.k.a. KSLC (56k, feel the burn!)


Well-Known Member
Took these while at work on Saturday. The last one was from a month or so ago. Hoot Hoot!






working with all them biz jets around....I am jealous.

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No, no, no. How many times do I have to tell you? Those are Corporate Jets, Fractional Jets, and Charter Jets. And don't get 'em confused 'cause they're not the same, O.K.?
Cool shots; though I wouldn't want to be the guy who has to climb up and brush all the snow off and scrape the ice off the windows.

And what's a Hooters jet doing in SLC?
There is a Hooters in Utah. I have been to it. I don't know why the plane is there, but I do know there is a Hooters. Even if there wasn't it's still possible for them to have business conferances and such here, as SLC became quite popular for those after the olympics.
there's a hooters in utah?? do they serve beer or just 3:2 beer? i love their wings.. but they only go well with beer...
Dunno what kind of beer they serve. I'd imagine they have to follow the same percent rules as all other places. What I do know, is that even though Utah is known for having a higher per capita of hot chicks-they sure don't have them at the Utah Hooters.
What I do know, is that even though Utah is known for having a higher per capita of hot chicks-they sure don't have them at the Utah Hooters.

[/ QUOTE ] so, i'm hoping their on the slopes for the guys when JC ski fest comes around?! where would they usually hang at when not at the ski slopes?

from what i've noticed - i haven't seen any hot chicks at hooters either (IMO)! just girls with improper implants hahaha
Oh yeah, they will totally be on the slopes. I don't think they let the ugly chicks ski, Park City has to maintain it's rep you know.
The sucky thing is we walked out to the Hooters jet for some close-ups, maybe a shot of someone straddling the intake, but before we had a chance a ramper from Million Air came running out and told us to bugger off. Something about rich people not wanting cameras around them... whateva.

Hooters girls = negative. Their food isn't even that great so why go there I do not know.

Bring on the ski bunnies!
I took some pictures with my camera phone. Everyone was out taking pictures. The news said it was the first big (for vegas) snow in over 7 years.
I wish I was gettin some snow right now. I live in Raleigh, NC, so it could be around Late Jan. or Feb. before we get any snow. Best possibility would be getting a blizzard from the south to come up our coast.