Pics from my discovery flight...


Well-Known Member
Sorry it took so long





Thanks. I took the ones on the ground. Instructor took the ones in the air, as I was doing most of the flying. We were flying out of KLZU. Flew north over Lake Lanier, then back. It was a blast.
Thanks. I took the ones on the ground. Instructor took the ones in the air, as I was doing most of the flying. We were flying out of KLZU. Flew north over Lake Lanier, then back. It was a blast.

Great pics, looks like you had a perfect day to fly.

It only gets better! :D:D:D
How do you like that DA20? That's what I do my flight training in. It's quite the sleek aircraft. When I first saw that pic of the lake I thought it was lake Keowee on the GA/SC boarder. I'm up here in Greenville (GMU). Let me know if you are up this way and want to do some flying. Good luck!
Awesome, Congrats on your first flight!

Man that 3rd photo really shows how much the seat is tilted back! Can you adjust that or is it permanent?
Permanent unfortunately. I did a 6 hour XC in a DA20 and man, my back was killin me. You can adjust the rudder pedals in the Diamonds though.
How do you like that DA20? That's what I do my flight training in. It's quite the sleek aircraft. When I first saw that pic of the lake I thought it was lake Keowee on the GA/SC boarder. I'm up here in Greenville (GMU). Let me know if you are up this way and want to do some flying. Good luck!
Well, having nothing to compare it with...(except my yoke setup on FSX) it was fine. Kind of wierd when you are used to a yoke. But it didn't take long to get used to. The reclined seat kinda bothered me during the take-off climb...felt like i couldn't see over the nose at all. I will definately look you up if I make it up that way.
Nice pics! I used to instruct in N392JA out West. The DA-20 is a fun plane to fly. I got 200+ hrs. of dual given in the DA20.
The seats in the DA20 suck. You have to pull the rudder pedals towards you to fit. The seats arent very comfortable. It is a fun plane to fly in stable air though and the visibility is amazing. I wouldnt want to do a long XC in it. Cool pics btw.
Who took you up?? Was it Steven or Chris? I'm just curious because I work for that school. I have about 130hrs in 393JA.