Joe Conventional
Jake seems to be enjoying that WAY too much.
Jake seems to be enjoying that WAY too much.
Had a wedding and a funeral to be at.
I just had a funeral to go to so I could make it.
Are they being paddled?
Here are a's taking some time because a lot of the pics are too big!
Okay. Well I always love her quick wit, and charm!
Yes and they paid money to buy the drink with paddle. There was a wedding and the bride got it first, then the bridesmaids, then others. I did not see if the groom got it too. Very strange!
I wasn't at all clear on how any of that worked. To be fair I wasn't what you'd call sober when I arrived.
I was sober and I still didn't understand it.
I was involved and ended up more confused than ever afterwards..
There was some discussion at the err... grownups end of the table (@Bumblebee lostplanetairman HRDiva) as to exactly why one would pay for a drink AND to get smacked. The consensus was that maybe if the drinks were free, or at least a reduced rate, it would make sense. Otherwise... eh, capitalizing on drunk people's (lack of) thought process is a whole industry in Vegas.
If memory serves (and it might not), it was both free and highly encouraged for your's truly.