Passed my private pilot written!


Well-Known Member
Well I'm 1/3 of the way to being a private pilot! I got a 90% on the written and it seemed like a joke after taking all the practice tests online. I should be taking my checkride within a month, any tips (especially for the oral portion)? Thanks.
Congrats, sounds like you are well on your way.

seemed like a joke after taking all the practice tests
This has been a common theme throughout my training so far, even with checkrides but don't misinterpret it. It is due to your preparation.

For the Oral:

Now that I'm preparing for a CFI ride I can't stress this enough. PTS. I thought having them was almost a formality for the practical tests, like proper ID. Go through the PTS and leave no stone unturned and you will do just fine with the aeronautical knowledge areas.

If you have any specific questions post 'em up!