Part 121 Weather Scenario

I do think the guy has a valid point, though. Am I saying I follow this? No. Am I saying this is realistic procedure for line flying? No.

Valid point? It's a stretch.

But, in the situation your describing, you could transpose it like this:

PNF: Approaching minimums.
PNF: Minimums.
PNF: ....Minimums.
PF: Runway in sight, landing. What'd you say?

IN theory, were the FAA to listen to that tape there would be questions asked and if they smelled a lie.. ouch!! Mistakes are just that. A mistake. Willful misconduct, willful intent to violate a reg and/or a lie however if like waving fresh hamburger in front of a doberman..

Most and I mean with only with few exceptions, the FAA guys I have worked with have been focused on safety, proficiency and such. (Of course, there was that useless dipstick that gave me holding at the NDB that used to be on the Potomac.. right after takeoff from 36 (at that time).. hold at 2500ft and in icing conditions on my 737 type ride. My instructor, in the right seat, just shook his head "NO!" when I glanced at him and indicated I was coming out of the seat and headed for the FAA guy. Totally unrealistic scenario just meant for a long debrief item to show how smart he was...). But I doubt any of them would have done anything but smile listening to your -135 guy.

I could be wrong...

(in Florida for a few days and the most of the panhandle is for sale or auction. LOTS of empty stores, malls, restaurants and partially completed projects.)