Paleo Diet

Veggies and fruit, basically. And as for, I wouldn't use government nutritional guidelines if you're curious about paleo/primal.
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I would like to start doing a more paleo-oriented diet. My main concern is reducing the amount of refined carbohydrates I eat while on the road.

To that end, what do you guys/gals bring with you while on the road with our job that stick to this idea?

For dinners, I have been getting into stir frying which seems to work pretty well. Stir fry 4 days worth of dinner ingredients and they keep well while traveling. Otherwise, my biggest problem is getting enough calories while on the road from the foods that I can take with me in my cooler. Since I am new to this type of diet, while I understand fat/protein oriented diets will stave off hunger better than carbs will, I still want to bring enough (around 2300 kcal for my weight, height, and age).

The advice I've gotten so far has been hard-boiled eggs (a semi, sorta egg salad) for breakfast, nothing really for lunch ideas, the stir fry thing for dinner, and almonds for snacks but with just these, I am having trouble coming up with 2300 kcal.
Are nuts allowed for Paleo? I carry cashews, almonds and peanuts from Costco. Over 300 calories per 2 ounce pouch
Are nuts allowed for Paleo? I carry cashews, almonds and peanuts from Costco. Over 300 calories per 2 ounce pouch
Yes, I think pretty much every nut except peanuts. That's because peanuts are actually beans (legumes). "They" say limit nuts and seeds to 4 oz a day if your trying to lose weight. Also, limit fruit to 1 serving per day if your trying to lose weight. When I was eating a strict paleo diet, I ate much more and still lost weight, so........
Yes, I think pretty much every nut except peanuts. That's because peanuts are actually beans (legumes). "They" say limit nuts and seeds to 4 oz a day if your trying to lose weight. Also, limit fruit to 1 serving per day if your trying to lose weight. When I was eating a strict paleo diet, I ate much more and still lost weight, so........
4oz seems like a lot. That wouldn't be hard for me!
I've been using MyFitnessPal's been really helping to balance eating with working out. I snack less and eat healthier as a result.
I've been on this since I turned 40 in January. I feel mentally sharper, and my workouts have gone off the meter. I've almost doubled my endurance, and my recovery time is much faster that it was before. I drop weight so I have to cheat every now and again, but I feel so good that I can't see going back.
Veggies and fruit, basically. And as for, I wouldn't use government nutritional guidelines if you're curious about paleo/primal.
Veggies and fruit, basically. And as for, I wouldn't use government nutritional guidelines if you're curious about paleo/primal.

While I agree with you on goverment guidelines tell me what isn't right on myplate?
We have started using the service. They have different eating styles you pick from (Paleo, low carb, low fat, etc) depending upon your philosophy and then it sends you a grocery list and recipes for each main meal. It makes things very simple and the recipes have been fantastic. Makes shopping and meal prep much less time consuming, we dont always end up eating the same old things, and there's minimal waste.

We are currently on their Paleo meal plan. Tonight's entree was grilled cilatro-lime pork loin, in bib lettuce wraps, with roasted fajita vegetables. Fantastic and easy!

I actually lost the most weight in my life by exercising regularly (number 1), and by using the weight watchers point system. This was a few years back, but it worked. Nowadays, I basically just try and eat as "clean" as possible. Low-gluten/gluten-free... Organic fruits, vegetables, and meat... Minimal processed and canned foods. More light meats like fish and chicken and less steak. Also, and this was a huge one... I don't eat pastas at all anymore. I replaced them with Spaghetti Squash. Has close to the same consistency and you can make it taste like whatever sauce you want. Just like the real thing but way, way healthier.
I don't eat pastas at all anymore. I replaced them with Spaghetti Squash. Has close to the same consistency and you can make it taste like whatever sauce you want. Just like the real thing but way, way healthier.

I tried spaghetti squash but really disliked it. It had a weird consistency and flavor I just couldn't enjoy. Might need to try preparing it differently.
I tried spaghetti squash but really disliked it. It had a weird consistency and flavor I just couldn't enjoy. Might need to try preparing it differently.
It took some practice to get it right... I'll ask my gf how she does it because she makes it a lot better than I can.
My wife and I started the whole 30 eliminating even more then the paleo way. I've never felt so full and energetic. I'll probably minimize breads quite s bit more after the 30 days are up.
We have started using the service. They have different eating styles you pick from (Paleo, low carb, low fat, etc) depending upon your philosophy and then it sends you a grocery list and recipes for each main meal. It makes things very simple and the recipes have been fantastic. Makes shopping and meal prep much less time consuming, we dont always end up eating the same old things, and there's minimal waste.

We are currently on their Paleo meal plan. Tonight's entree was grilled cilatro-lime pork loin, in bib lettuce wraps, with roasted fajita vegetables. Fantastic and easy!

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I know this is a year old, but I was just curious how you're liking the Paleo eMeals recipes. I gave the site a look yesterday, and I might sign up (heck, can't beat $58/year). One big hurdle about swapping to Paleo is that I really just don't know how to cook for that sort of menu; this would help me a lot, I think.
Is whole grain really that bad you? I just read almonds are bad for you.
Probably not; the real issue is processed, refined carbs. Which is, unfortunately in the US, just about everything (particularly corn). I'm good on eating white rice here in Asia, though. Asian cultures have much better numbers in terms of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease we see back at home.