Packing Workout Clothes Question

I rinse the stuff out with the shampoo. It rinses out better than the soap. Hang it on hangars in on the rods overnight. If still damp the next morning, stuff in a couple of the dry-cleaning bags in the room. IF you have washed the stuff pretty good it won't smell and you can take it out, lay it on your flt bag in the cockpit and due to the arid environment, it will be dry in less than 1 leg. It will also demonstrate why you dehydrate so quickly when doing multiple legs.
Keep shoes in shoe bag, put dirty clothes in shoes after air drying, continue until shoe bag (and shoes are full). Max is 2 workouts on a 4-day. That's how I do it at least!
I've been doing this for over 4 years now so you'd THINK I'd have this worked out.

How do ya'll pack your workout clothes (shoes included) so they don't stink up the rest of the stuff in your bag on a 4 day trip?

I've always had at least 2 pairs so I can work out in one and let the other pairs air out. Alternating helps keep them clean to sight and takes care of not letting any odor causing or athletes foot causing bacteria get out of hand.
I use a grocery bag around each shoe (just in case they get wet or muddy and need to be separated....and ziploc's for the workout long as they stay closed, it doesn't affect the already rancid airplane/pax smell of the bag...

dryer sheets are a neat idea! I used to put french soap in the bag as that would smell it up really nice but someone had a point of if the bag gets wet..I used to also put coffee in a mesh bag as that helps too.