Opsgroup hiring Flight Ops Specialist


Well-Known Member
It's not an airline nor dispatch, but it's a related job:
As a Flight Ops Specialist, you’ll help the team with our daily work – monitoring the worlds airports and airspace for changes and dangers, and alerting members to critical information.
For this role, solid experience in international flight operations is required – pointy end, on the ground, dispatcher, flight planner, trip specialist – all good.

OPSGROUP is a membership organisation (or secret society, if you prefer) of Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Flight Dispatchers, Managers and other Ops Specialists that realise that sharing information on dangers and changers is what keeps us all safe.

We were founded after MH17 was shot down over Ukraine in 2014, to create a way to share critical information between aircraft operators.
I saw this posted before but I cannot understand what they actually do
I know it started out as a form of interpreting confusing NOTAM's and making them human readable. They're one of the groups trying to get the NOTAM system changed to something more consistent and easier to understand. It seems they're now selling memberships for full airport briefings and what not.