Off to FSI


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Well I will be packing my ruck sack and heading out to Vero on 08 October for the interview scheduled on 15 October. I figured I should give myself time so the career officer could look over all of my paper work including my resume to make sure there are no flaws. I would like to make some plans on meeting some of you all at FSI. Do lunch at the cafe or whatever, I have read so many of everyones posts that I want to put a face to the name. Anyhow, I will keep everyone posted on the interview experience no matter what happens and also Dave...if you have some last minute input I am more than happy to hear it. If anyone likes they can E-Mail me at FSIFLYER@HOTMAIL.COM Take care everyone, see you all soon.

"Shoot for the moon, if you miss you will at least hit the stars."
Just be yourself... HAHAHAHAHA... oh, you were talking about the other Dave. Sorry.
