Obsess much?


Well-Known Member


Sweet mother. He could go out and buy his private pilot certificate for less. I guess if you have a medical condition preventing you from actually flying that's coo, otherwise WTF?
I think the author of "Captain" has a pretty beefy setup too!
...please tell me that those straps over the back of the chair are holding a cushion on or something and aren't shoulder harnesses...
I think the author of "Captain" has a pretty beefy setup too!

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe It's just me, but I have to wonder why an airline pilot, who flys real planes all day long, would go through the trouble of making something like this. I would think the type of person who uses those kind of things are fat middle-aged men who have no life and are too afraid to take real flying lessons.
You have to admit though, that would be sweeeeet for MS Combat Flight Sim, Sturmovik, or WWII Fighters.
Of course, I'd want to have 3 more screens for checking my 6, 4 and 8

Hell, while were at it, why not hang one over your head so ze Germans can't dive on you from out of ze clouds!!
...please tell me that those straps over the back of the chair are holding a cushion on or something and aren't shoulder harnesses...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ha Ha! Classic! Probably doesn't want to fall out of his chair during High-G maneuvers or SPINS!

We all know that he doesn't read! I mean all of his books are holding up the monitors!
I can't even keep one running let alone 5+! And I wouldn't know the first thing on how to get all the monitors running on one program all looking different directions.

Also, would that be a little hard...? with all the screens to look at, I think it would be a pain.
You think that's bad, I've seen pictures of actual cockpits with real aircraft parts that people have built. They rival that of the simulators airlines use to train pilots. Some even have full motion setups. The money that some geeks put into their simulators could probably pay for PPL through ATP.