NYC Base Operations Update

I was fortunate enough to get out of EWR late Sunday afternoon and then make it out of CLE on one of the last flights that wasn't cancelled on Monday to get home. I will be facing the same thing on Friday trying to get back to work though. Most flights on Thursday are still cancelled and Friday everything is oversold, for that matter, flights are over sold to EWR for the next week!
UAL actually was ferrying people using 772s today, but I was told I can't travel on the ferry flights! :fury:
Plan B: hitch a ride on FlagShip to ATL and connect on SouthernJets to EWR. So far, so good. :)
November 1, 2012

Important Information for NYC Drivers and Layover Crews

Pilots commuting in/out of New Jersey should avoid Manhattan. Instead, use the GW or Verrazano Narrows bridges in order to avoid gridlock.

· Due to tunnel flooding and gridlock, expect extremely long delays in Manhattan.

· Note: All vehicles using any other bridges in/out of Manhattan must have a minimum of three occupants on board.

· Reports indicate that there is no gasoline available in or near the NYC airports. Drivers must fill up elsewhere. Keep this in mind to avoid a bad predicament!

· All indications are that drivers from the NE utilizing the Throgs Neck or Whitestone bridges will not encounter any unusual delays.

Tunnel flooding has caused extremely long drive times for Golden Touch, impacting layover quality and the ability to get the operation back up to speed.

· The Company has requested a temporary waiver of the downtown hotel PWA requirement due to extraordinary circumstances. In the spirit of cooperation, your reps are in favor of this temporary waiver with the requirement that a suitable facility of equal or better quality must be utilized for layover crews. We thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.

As always, you are our eyes and ears out there. We count on your input. Please contact us if you encounter any circumstance that you believe needs to be brought to our attention so that we can respond accordingly.

Fly safe.

Tom, Chris, and Patrick
It's amazing the devastation seen in NY. I got a direct hit in PA (I mean, the eye of the hurricane passed right over me), and I didn't even lose power. Just goes to show that much of the risk with a hurricane is the storm surge (until you get into the higher categories of hurricanes, in which everything just gets torn up).
Oh hell, Jones, we used to call that the "VersaTel" in the early 80's. :)