"No Bull" Afternoon Coffee

Hmmm, checked my email again and I don't see it.
if you didn't select "yes" for "do you want to be added to the contact list", then you wouldn't be on there nor emailed the list.

just an FYI for next year :)
So did you guys have this little roundtable session? if so, any photographic evidence i can use?
So did you guys have this little roundtable session? if so, any photographic evidence i can use?

We did, and I'd say there were 10-15 folks (?).

There were some great questions and mediocre answers. I really enjoyed it, and hope I answered the questions in a decent manner.

I don't recall any photos taken, and I'd say I could have really improved the session by actually having a plan to go with the idea. ;)
It was a good little Q & A. The answers were great. I found out a lot about an employer I may be pursuing someday. Good times.
I agree, it was a very interesting little round table type deal. We met at Rojo and I don't think anyone took any pictures. Polar, you were great! Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your journey, the company, and the future. I found it to be very informative.