Nice, France (Part One)


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Some Polar-esque "Strange Angle" shots:



On arrival over the French riviera:

Dangerous. Two FO's an a captain on rented bicycles. The new guy doesn't know yet that you always have the senior pilot and the captain in front of the pack so if there's an accident, at least you can move up in seniority! ;) :sarcasm:

Half of the roads were shut down because of the Tour de Avenir going on today:

It wasn't me, but this...

Plus this...

Equals someone not feeling too well later on! HA! I warned him I was going to put it on the internet!

Should get some more photos today, but the ones so far are here:
The cockpit shots are great, but it's hard to tell what the food is on this iPod touch. I am guessing it is a dark beer, egg rolls and the meat is a fried muskrat critter which may have led to his downfall of his upchucking?:D

What a splatter he left in the country that never, "gives up"!:sarcasm:
I have no ideas. Pretty much like, "Hey, I guess we'd better eat", all hopped on bikes and the captain's wife suggested the place.

It was largely "meh" but I walked out of there and only spent like 5 euros.

I know, I know, another lesson learned by not eating "local". But then Nice used to be Italy, so do you eat French or do you eat Italian? I'm not too keen on fish so I really didn't want to bother eating Niçoise!
Nah the French don't hate you. They do hate the drunken American wearing a tank top loudly pontificating about how he's unable to get ranch dressing and keeps mumbling something about "frogs" and "freedom fries".
Where are the french chicks?
yea! where are the french chicks? i assume there were many in Waynes as that seems to be the local hotspot lately... and i hear the pilot crew before you drank all the beer and left you with the final drops of the keg?? HAHA

That's a pretty big projectile there.... at first i was thinking someone set off fireworks in that spot?

and what's up with eating egg rolls (aka chinese) in France?
Nah the French don't hate you. They do hate the drunken American wearing a tank top loudly pontificating about how he's unable to get ranch dressing and keeps mumbling something about "frogs" and "freedom fries".

Swear to god, I was in MAD on the 4th of july this year (yes I hate amurika) And there were two semi-overweight, I assume to be americans, both in tank tops, one red, the other white, with prominent american flags on them saying 'USA' and 'America'. I laughed so hard. Yes, I know you want to show your love for your country but DO NOT be an ass about it.
yea! where are the french chicks? i assume there were many in Waynes as that seems to be the local hotspot lately... and i hear the pilot crew before you drank all the beer and left you with the final drops of the keg?? HAHA

That's a pretty big projectile there.... at first i was thinking someone set off fireworks in that spot?

and what's up with eating egg rolls (aka chinese) in France?

French? In Nice? The place was overrun with Brits!

Brits, grumpy French retirees that try to push their cart into you at the market and a few too many bargain basement Eastern European tranny prostitutes.

We're riding back from downtown and the other FO says, "It's a man!" and I had to remind him that it indeed is a man and she'd probably knock him off his bike and beat the stuffing out of him! :)