Newspaper coverage in Phoenix/Scottsdale


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
I got a call from Andy Hobbs from the Scottsdale Tribune and they're going to run our article on Thursday, December 18 on page A4 in the Scottsdale Tribune (but it wasn't clear if it was going to be in the East Valley Trib as well. And also in the Wednesday, December 24th issue of Scottsdale Views.
Doug, do you know where the guys in Mike's unit are from? I talked to someone I know at the Washington Post and he said they might be able to do a feel good story but since you're from Scottsdale, it's unlikely. But, if there is someone in the unit who is from Washington, he might be able to pitch it to the guys in the Metro department.

So if you can find out where the guys are from, you will likely get a better response from their local papers.

As for the aviation pub that I work for, the next issue has already gone to the printers so they couldn't work it in.
well, MikeD told us that there is another "shift" working with him that he called 177.. which i think is the 177th Unit??? I don't know much about military terminology - so if anyone can help me out with that... and i have no idea where the 177th is based...
well, it looks like the newspaper article isn't on the internet...since that's the case, I'll scan and post it up tonight if you want to see it....
I'm LMAO here Doug... I'm picturing you next to Will Ferrel... "We're Just Elves!!!" Oh my. That made my night.
