New member introduction..


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Matt here from near Pittsburgh PA. Just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to gaining more knowledge and helping out people in the forums.

I have my commercial, multi-engine with instrument ratings. Working on my CFI rating and just finished my binder. Any tips on things I may not have included??

I look forward to meeting everyone
Hey everyone,

Matt here from near Pittsburgh PA. Just wanted to say hello and that I look forward to gaining more knowledge and helping out people in the forums.

I have my commercial, multi-engine with instrument ratings. Working on my CFI rating and just finished my binder. Any tips on things I may not have included??

I look forward to meeting everyone

Welcome Matt...

Congrats on writing your own binder. I remember mine took about a summer to write and at least a ream of paper. Only advice I can give, is never have a pen too far from it, because you'll find lots of stuff to add, change and omit.

Best of luck on this bumpy road we all enjoy...
Hello :hiya: good luck on your CFI training, even after you get your CFI ticket you will still be learning, thats the great thing about this field is that you are constantly learning new things all the time!!