New Job, New Start?


New Member
I just got a new job here at DVT working for the flight school I came down here for in the first place. Apparently, they offer some sort of discount if you work there for six months. I still need to confirm it and weigh the benefits of waiting another half year. I'm already six months behind my original schedule. We'll see. I'm still only 23, so another six months (pretty much my 24th b-day) really won't matter much in the long run.

In any case, I'm getting $3 more per hour than I was getting at my last job, so I can at least work on saving some more money.

That said, I think I'll be sticking around the PHX area for a few more years. Life is a continuous challenge, but I'm working the issues one at a time. It's all going a bit slower than I'd like, but I'm working on it.

I forgot to mention, it's a job doing flight school dispatch, so if you call TransPac Aviation Academy's dispatch, you might catch my melodious voice on the other end. It seems more entertaining than my last job so far. I'm hoping it stays that way.

(I'm pretty sure the response time to that last post classifies me as a forum lurker/rat...whenever I manage to get to a computer, anyway)
Well, considering the state of the economy you should be happy that you have a job. But congrats on the new position!
Well, considering the state of the economy you should be happy that you have a job. But congrats on the new position!
Very true - especially in aviation. I talk to way too many people on the ramp who have taken up different positions because of furloughs, etc. I'm definitely not ungrateful for having a job, I'm just glad I'm moving out of a comparitively undesirable job. Thanks.

Good now show up at a M&G! :D
Haha. Yeah, I'm workin' on it! I get first bid out of the new hires for my schedule. Hopefully it's a little more on the socially normal side so I can actually hang out with my friends once in a while...make a M&G...who knows what else...

Then again, when I start training, I'll be dispatching and training, so I'll cease to have a life all over again. Somehow, though, I'll manage to enjoy it.

That's good to hear!
Yeah. What's your deal? Did you find anything good closer to you? Sorry about the roommate situation...
Very true - especially in aviation. I talk to way too many people on the ramp who have taken up different positions because of furloughs, etc. I'm definitely not ungrateful for having a job, I'm just glad I'm moving out of a comparitively undesirable job. Thanks.

Haha. Yeah, I'm workin' on it! I get first bid out of the new hires for my schedule. Hopefully it's a little more on the socially normal side so I can actually hang out with my friends once in a while...make a M&G...who knows what else...

Then again, when I start training, I'll be dispatching and training, so I'll cease to have a life all over again. Somehow, though, I'll manage to enjoy it.

Yeah. What's your deal? Did you find anything good closer to you? Sorry about the roommate situation...

I interviewed for the Ramp Tower at US last week but haven't heard back yet. Me and a couple of friends are getting a house next to campus in May. I never have time to make it up your way.
I met a furloughed USAJet DC-9 driver a couple of months back. He was driving the van picking up the car parts from me at KYIP. You're employed: You're ahead of the game. Good luck.
I met a furloughed USAJet DC-9 driver a couple of months back. He was driving the van picking up the car parts from me at KYIP. You're employed: You're ahead of the game. Good luck.
Yeah, that's for sure. I've gotten lucky in the employment department lately, in general. I haven't had the best jobs, but at least I've had them. It has actually proven to be a relatively decent job, too. Can't argue with that.

Congrats and best of luck!!
This is the official post to thank X-Forces for helping me to get the dispatch job.

Mr. Funny Guy!! :laff:

(You know I was kidding, right?)

Well, like the sign said at the door... "Pay It Forward"

There are a few people on JC now that I helped through the door. That's what it's all about. :bandit:
Mr. Funny Guy!! :laff:

(You know I was kidding, right?)

Well, like the sign said at the door... "Pay It Forward"

There are a few people on JC now that I helped through the door. That's what it's all about. :bandit:
Of course! Hell, if I can't dispatch an aircraft, I can at least be a sarcastic ass. It's the only way to get through the end of the shift...

Oh yeah, did you hear there's a new dispatch manager?