New JC'er with a question/favor to ask...


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

Let me start out by introducing myself. My name is Mike and I have been surfing this web site for some time now and decided it was time to join. I live in Dallas and am going to school to get my commercial and CFI-II. I fly out of ADS and my question/favor is this:

I was wondering if there is anyone who flies out of ADS that has access to any birds bigger than a trainer(172's etc. etc.) that could show me around. I am passionate about aviation and would LOVE to see some cockpits in person of say a King Air, Citation, Gulfstream, get the picture. Also if anyone is ferrying aircraft to and from the area and would like some company, I would love to go for a ride...for a small fee of course:D:sarcasm:. hopefully I will hear from some of you, but if not here is a rockin guy for reading this far:rawk: LOL.
Hello everyone!

Let me start out by introducing myself. My name is Mike and I have been surfing this web site for some time now and decided it was time to join. I live in Dallas and am going to school to get my commercial and CFI-II. I fly out of ADS and my question/favor is this:

I was wondering if there is anyone who flies out of ADS that has access to any birds bigger than a trainer(172's etc. etc.) that could show me around. I am passionate about aviation and would LOVE to see some cockpits in person of say a King Air, Citation, Gulfstream, get the picture. Also if anyone is ferrying aircraft to and from the area and would like some company, I would love to go for a ride...for a small fee of course:D:sarcasm:. hopefully I will hear from some of you, but if not here is a rockin guy for reading this far:rawk: LOL.
Hey there Crazy, I'm sure we can find someone in your neck of the woods to show you an airplane or two. I can't do it down there because I live in Northern California, but once we come out of our shock at the recent events, this is a very generous group and I'm sure there will be someone near that can help facilitate a tour. What airfield is KADS? Nevermind . . . I thought it was familiar, I landed at Addison when I was a student at ATP in 2004. I believe I saw a falcon down there with a freight company, and they let me all up in the flight deck.

Welcome to Jetcareers. :)
I was in ADS about a month ago in the Citation. Next time Im out that way, Ill try and post in here and let you know. We fly to TX quite a bit.
Welcome to JC, PlaneCrazy.

I actually fly out of KTKI and I highly recommend just trying to become an airport rat. Lol. I know it's cheesey, but at TKI especially, a lot of corporate aircraft fly in and are parked right there on the only ramp at the airport, and the pilots are usually more than willing to show you around and tell you about their planes... Big or small. Any chance you get, just try and strike up a little conversation. Hope that helps. :)
Check out the Meet&Greet subforum as well. There's two coming up that would be a great chance to meet other pilots and network.

I was in ADS about a month ago in the Citation. Next time Im out that way, Ill try and post in here and let you know. We fly to TX quite a bit.
Dude if you have a layover I'd love to pick you up and take you out to lunch or something.

If nothing else, I wouldn't mind seeming a Citation either :D
WOW! I cant believe how friendly everyone is here! Thanks for all of the replies and I definitely will keep checking back to see when someone with access to a cool plane is in the area with some extra time to show me around. I am usually at the airport five to six days a week right now training. Thanks THERESAPILOT for the scoop on KTKI. I fly there a few times a week right now and I love playing the "looking for traffic" game with ATC after being cleared to land number two behind a Gulfstream...makes me jelous that I have to stay back sooo far for wake turbulance, not that I could catch up anyway:D I will have to see if I can weezel my way in for a look around. One other thing...whats up with that one cranky ATC guy over there? Thanks again to everyone on this forum. You all rock!:nana2:
One other thing...whats up with that one cranky ATC guy over there?

Aww. They're all really good guys, they just get a lot of business at TKI from all of the traffic out of ADS. A lot of the student pilots just don't know what they're doing, and I've seen and heard of a lot of horror stories about some of them. It gets a little crazy at times. :panic:
Yeah, they are great guys. If you ever wanna make a pit stop for lunch at TKI let me know cause I'd be more than happy to take you out somewhere.

Theresa- Have they told you the story about the old guy who flew in a while back? He was pretty old (60's), who didn't contact them at all. No responses from him. When they went out to go talk to him to ask him what the heck he was doing, he was like "Oh, I didn't know this was a towered airport now!", proceeding to pull out a chart from like the 60's that showed McKinney as untowered. They probably tell the story better, but it gave me a good chuckle.