New Forum section idea


New Member
Hey Doug, (can't email you I'm at work) but i have a suggestion to add a new forum. How about a $100 hamburger forum (or whatever you want to call it) for pilots here to post their experiences with restaurants on on/near airport food places?
Yeah, I was thinking a long those same lines. How about it, Doug?

I would also include in this any sites to see, things to do, and places to visit in said city. Maybe a good choice of hotels to stay (but I think I'm going overboard here).
I'd really like to see an Instrument Section, where people to talk about IFR experiences,approaches, and get there IFR questions answered.

I have to Lurk student's Instrument section to get IFR tips.

I'd really like to see an Instrument Section, where people to talk about IFR experiences,approaches, and get there IFR questions answered.

I have to Lurk student's Instrument section to get IFR tips.

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Techinical Talk section has my, as well as others, IFR inputs there all the time...........browse it over.