JFK Ops Expand to Terminal 4 Gates
Update: February 14, 2009
The weakening economy coupled with a tight capital market, has slowed Delta’s billion
dollar new JFK terminal construction plans. For the time being, we will continue to
operate using our current terminal 2/3 facility and also use the remote IATA parking.
Improvements to the pad operation include new busses (to supplement the plane-mates)
and an improved access ramp to enter the terminal at gate 11 and gate 19.
In addition to the pads we will begin to occupy gates at Terminal 4. Effective in late
February we will start to depart all LAX flights from that terminal. As time goes by, we
will expand T4 destinations to include Amsterdam, Heathrow, Narita and certain Africa
cities. An upcoming green page update will provide crews specific terminal 4 operational
information. We will also use flight plan remarks to communicate information before the
green pages are published.
Here is what we know to date:
• For the initial rollout, we will use gates 20, 22, and 24 at terminal 4. All these
gates are located on the western most part of Terminal 4. (Reference Jepp 20-
9B) This is the “B” concourse in that terminal and consequently we will use
B20, B22, and B24 on the FIDS and in-range reports to indicate these gates.
Gate B20 actually has multiple parking lines/jet bridges and inbound flights
must pay close attention to the parking crew for direction.
• Busses will connect Terminal 4/Gate B23 to Terminal 3/Gate 11 and Terminal
2 /Gate 19. These busses will run continuously with increased frequency
based on flight schedules. An expeditor van for passengers and crews with
tight connections may be available upon request from operations.
• Delta will have a Terminal 4 check-in counter and passengers and crews may enter security at that terminal to proceed directly to the gates
• A combined pilot-flight attendant lounge will be available for crews
• Ground transportation will pick up and drop off crews at the correct terminal.
The pickup location for Terminal 4 is downstairs on the arrivals level. Crews
should proceed out the left door and find the Golden Touch van directly in
front of the terminal. Layover crews may consider calling JFK operations
(found on rotations) to confirm departure gate assignments.